The truth about exercise, from the standpoint of losing weight, is that it’s not really that important. I understand that this may seem sacrilegious; nonetheless, it is true. It is true because our bodies are so efficient at managing energy and energy sources that you can consume and store much more energy per unit time than you can expend it. To put it simply; you gain wait easy, and you lose weight hard.
So, if that’s the case, why exercise at all? You ask.
There are four reasons to exercise, and they are, ranked in descending order of importance; to preserve lean body mass as you age and thereby decrease the severity of age-related bone loss, for cardiovascular health, for stress reduction and overall sense of well-being, and lastly, to provide some small measure of additional fat metabolism on the side of the equation of Energy In = Energy Out.
There could be some debate about the order of these four reasons, but final one would remain the last.

Resistance Training
Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of lean muscle mass, which also is related to the age-related decrease in the metabolic rate because the lean body mass has a higher metabolic rate than fat.
Resistance training stresses the musculoskeletal system and counteracts bone loss (osteoporosis) and can decrease the severity of degenerative joint disease associated with age.

Aerobic Training
Is the most obvious and accessible form of exercise, no equipment is needed other than two arms or two legs and the closest arena, a spare room in the house with a treadmill or exercise bike, or the front door for a walk. The only requirements are time and motivation.
For the obese and morbidly obese, walking is more significant because of the extra weight, and is a great place to start, 20-30 min. 3-4+ times/week.
Exercise can be hazardous, and before embarking on a strenuous exercise regimen you need to be evaluated by your primary care provider. This is especially important if you are anything othe than a teenager and taking prescription medication, especially if it is medication for your heart.
Please be wise and do not subject yourself to unnecessary risk.
Types of Resistance Training
There are many different types of resistance training ranging from using your own body weight to using other mechanisms, weights/bands for resistance. I have some specific ideas for those whom have limited experience in this.
Types of Aerobic Training
Not every aerobic activity in necessarily considered exercise, like vacuuming the house or walking a postal route, or logging 15,000 steps at work, but it all counts.
Here are some other ideas.