The FAT Thief: Take Back Your Life

Fat is a thief, and it steals life.

How to use

How to use is a portal, a gateway; it is designed to take you to a better place relative to your health and diet and life in general. It was built specifically for the overweight and obese. The entire focus is an effort to get you to change your thoughts because if...

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Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

The BMI is a poor measure for your ideal weight due to differences in body types; however, it is a great tool to establish a start point, and then to track your progress. A BMI that is greater than 30 is considered OBESE. The only case where this would not be...

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Baseline Measurements

Baseline Measurements

NECK CHEST WAIST HIPS These measurements are important because as you metabolize fat and add lean body mass your weight may not change as much as you might think as your true body emerges from the state of obesity. This will be reflected in your clothes becoming...

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Establish Your Caloric Needs

Establish Your Caloric Needs

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy (Calories) required for you baseline, sedentary needs. The more active you are, the more you need to maintain current rate. The calculator to the right will account for that, but you must be honest with your...

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Accountability Apps

Accountability Apps

Regardless of which diet strategy you follow, plant-based/high-carb/low-fat; or ketogenic/low-carb/higher fat; or one of the diets in the middle, I think it is a good idea to count calories for as long as it takes for you to recognize what one portion looks like. You...

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